The Top 10 Most Common Plumbing Repair Issues in Homes

Plumbing repair isn't just about fixing issues; it's vital for maintaining a system that's central to our home's hygiene and convenience. A well-maintained plumbing system minimizes emergencies, saves money on water bills, and contributes to the overall health of the household by preventing mold growth and structural damage.

Homeowners often encounter a range of plumbing issues, from dripping faucets and running toilets to severe pipe leaks or clogged drains. These problems, while common, can disrupt daily life and, if left unaddressed, lead to larger, more expensive issues. Understanding and identifying them early is key to effective management.

Knowing the early signs of plumbing problems is important. It helps you fix them on time. This way, small issues don’t turn into big, costly ones. Quick fixes also mean you avoid water waste and keep your home safe and in good shape for a long time.

Here's a look at the 10 most usual plumbing troubles in homes:

1. Dripping Faucets

Faucets drip for several reasons. Often, it's due to worn-out washers or O-rings, which can no longer form a watertight seal. Sometimes, it's a sign of a deeper issue like high water pressure or a problem with the faucet valve. Ignoring a dripping faucet might seem easy, but it can lead to wasted water and higher bills over time. A single faucet can drip away hundreds of gallons over a year!

Fixing a dripping faucet may involve replacing the washer or repairing the valve. First, turn off the water supply. Next, remove the handle and take out the valve or cartridge. Check the washers and O-rings for wear and replace them if needed. If the drip persists or you're unsure of the cause, it's best to call a professional. They can diagnose and fix the issue, saving water and preventing further damage to your plumbing system.

2. Leaky Pipes

Pipe leaks occur due to various factors. Common causes include corrosion, excessive water pressure, shifting of pipes due to temperature changes, or simply the wear and tear over time. Incorrectly installed pipes or joints can also lead to leaks, as can accidental damage from home improvement work.

The consequences of ignoring leaky pipes extend beyond just water wastage. Over time, small leaks can cause significant damage to your home, including mold growth, rotting of wooden structures, and even compromising the home's foundation. In extreme cases, unchecked water damage can make areas of your home unsafe to inhabit.

Early detection is crucial to prevent these issues. Be vigilant for signs of moisture or mold, listen for the sound of running water, and monitor your water bill for unexplained increases. Regular inspections by a professional can also catch leaks you might miss. If you find a leak, contact a plumber immediately to prevent further damage.

3. Running Toilets

Toilets run continuously for several reasons. Often, it's due to a faulty flapper that no longer seals properly, or a float that's set too high and prevents the tank from closing off the water supply. Wear and tear on internal components can also cause this issue, leading to a constant water flow from the tank to the bowl.

The environmental and financial costs of a
running toilet are substantial. It can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day, contributing to unnecessary water consumption and significantly increasing your utility bills. This not only strains natural water resources but also your wallet.

Repairing a running toilet is often straightforward. First, identify the issue by checking the flapper, float, and fill valve in the tank. If the flapper is worn or the seal is not tight, replace it. Adjust the float if it's too high. If these fixes don't stop the water flow, or you're unsure of the problem, it's wise to contact a professional plumber. They can provide a thorough assessment and resolve the issue efficiently, helping to conserve water and save money on your bills.

4. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure in homes can be due to several factors, including build-up of sediments or mineral deposits on aerators, which can restrict water flow. Blockages in pipes, caused by debris or corrosion, are another common culprit. Sometimes, the issue might stem from a malfunctioning pressure regulator or be as simple as a partially closed main water valve.

Dealing with low water pressure can be frustrating as it affects everyday activities. Tasks like showering, washing dishes, or doing laundry become time-consuming and inefficient. In some cases, it might even indicate a leak in your system, which could lead to more serious plumbing damage.

There are a few approaches to restore optimal water pressure. Start by cleaning aerators and showerheads to remove any sediment build-up. Check if your home's main water valve is fully open. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to inspect pipes for leaks or blockages, or check the pressure regulator. Because these tasks can be complex, hiring a professional plumber might be your best bet for both diagnosing and effectively resolving the issue. They have the tools and knowledge to restore your system's functionality, improving your daily water usage experience.

5. Clogged Drains

Drain clogs are a common nuisance in homes and can occur in various areas, each with its unique causes. Kitchen drains may clog due to accumulated grease, food particles, and soap scum, while bathroom drains often suffer from hair, toothpaste, and other personal care products creating blockages. These clogs disrupt normal water flow and can result in back-ups and unpleasant odors.

Preventing clogs involves mindful practices like disposing of grease properly, not flushing inappropriate items, and using drain guards to catch hair. Regularly pouring hot water down the drains can also help prevent build-up. Timely repairs are crucial; the longer a clog remains, the harder it can be to remove, potentially necessitating professional intervention and increasing the risk of pipe damage.

For minor clogs, methods like plunging, using a plumber's snake, or a natural solution of baking soda and vinegar can be effective. However, it's important to avoid chemical drain cleaners, as they can corrode pipes. For stubborn clogs, or if you're unsure, it's best to consult a professional plumber to safely and effectively restore your drain's functionality.

6. Faulty Water Heater

Water heaters are prone to several issues that can disrupt their operation. Thermostat malfunctions can result in water that's either too hot or too cold, while sediment build-up in the tank can reduce efficiency and water quality. Other common problems include faulty heating elements, corroded tanks, or issues with the gas supply or electrical connections.

The failure of a water heater causes significant inconvenience, affecting numerous daily activities like bathing, cleaning, and cooking. Inconsistent water temperatures and the lack of hot water can make household tasks challenging and uncomfortable.

Regular maintenance, including periodic inspections and flushing the tank to remove sediment, can extend your water heater's life and efficiency. Be alert to signs of trouble, such as erratic temperatures, noisy operation, or leaks around the base of the heater. These may indicate a need for professional repair or replacement. It's crucial to consult a plumber for regular check-ups or when you detect issues, as timely professional intervention can prevent larger problems and ensure consistent hot water supply.

7. Jammed Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals jam primarily due to inappropriate materials being put into them, such as fibrous foods, grease, large food items, or non-food objects. Misuse, like trying to grind excessive amounts at once or not using enough water, also contributes to jams, causing the disposal to become stuck, make unusual noises, or stop working altogether.

If your disposal is jammed, the first step is to switch it off for safety. Most units have a reset button on the bottom; after a jam, pressing this can often restart the system. If that doesn't work, using an Allen wrench to manually turn the blades (from the bottom of the unit) can help free up whatever is causing the jam. Always ensure the power is off before attempting to unjam the disposal.

To prevent jams, avoid putting hard or fibrous items into the disposal, cut larger items into smaller pieces, and always run cold water while it's in use. Regularly cleaning the disposal with ice cubes and salt or vinegar and baking soda can also help maintain its efficiency. Understanding and practicing these best uses can significantly extend your garbage disposal's life and performance.

8. Sewer System Backup

Sewer system backups are evident when multiple drains in your home are clogged, or there's a gurgling sound in the pipes. Common causes include flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, pouring grease down the sink, or invasive tree roots blocking sewer lines. Extreme weather or aged sewer systems can also contribute to backups.

A backed-up sewer poses serious health risks, as harmful bacteria and gases can enter your home, potentially causing illness. Moreover, sewage water can lead to significant property damage, ruining floors, walls, appliances, and personal belongings, which can be expensive to repair or replace.

To prevent or address backups, it's essential to seek professional help. Plumbers can use cameras to inspect lines, remove tree roots, or clear out tough blockages. Homeowners should also consider regular maintenance to keep sewer lines clear. This includes being mindful of what goes down drains and toilets and scheduling routine professional check-ups to identify potential issues before they escalate into a full-blown crisis.

9. Leaking Hose Bibb

Hose bibb leaks occur when the outdoor faucet or the connected hose leaks. This issue is particularly common during seasonal changes, especially as temperatures transition from winter to spring. The freezing and thawing process can cause water left inside to expand and contract, leading to cracks and leaks.

Winterization is crucial in preventing hose bibb leaks. Water freezing inside the pipes can cause them to burst, leading to significant water loss and potential damage to your property. By preparing and insulating your outdoor faucets and pipes during the colder months, you can avoid the costly and inconvenient aftermath of winter-related damage.

For repair, first, ensure the water supply is off, then replace any damaged or cracked components. Prevention methods include removing hoses and draining water before the first freeze, using insulated covers, and installing frost-proof hose bibbs. Regular checks for leaks, especially as seasons change, also contribute to timely identification and repair, helping maintain your home's water system integrity.

10. Sump Pump Failure

Sump pump failures are often attributed to several common causes, including power outages, improper installation, lack of maintenance, or the unit's age and overuse during heavy rainfalls. Sometimes, a pump may fail due to a stuck switch or a clogged discharge line, preventing proper operation.

The repercussions of a sump pump failure can be particularly problematic in basements, leading to flooding, property damage, mold growth, and the potential compromise of the building's structural integrity. These issues are not just inconvenient; they can also be hazardous to health and expensive to rectify.

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent these issues. This involves periodic tests, clearing debris from the system, and checking the discharge line for blockages or freezing. Additionally, investing in a backup system, either battery-operated or water-powered, provides an extra layer of security, ensuring your pump operates effectively during power outages or primary pump failures. These proactive steps are invaluable in safeguarding your home, particularly in areas prone to heavy rainfall or flooding.


We at 2020 Drain Clean & Plumbing, proudly serving Chantilly VA, and Lorton VA, understand how daunting unexpected plumbing issues can be, and we're curious about your experiences. Have they disrupted your routine or caused unexpected headaches? Share your stories with us; we're here to listen and provide solutions. You can reach us directly at (703) 677-0878 for immediate assistance.

Understanding the value of prevention, we strongly encourage scheduling regular plumbing maintenance checks with professionals. This proactive approach can save you from future inconveniences and costly repairs. Our team is equipped with the expertise to ensure your system is running smoothly, identifying potential problems before they escalate.

Furthermore, we believe in empowering our community with knowledge. Consider signing up to receive   insightful tips on maintaining your plumbing system, or if you're in immediate need, don't hesitate to contact us at 2020 Drain Clean & Plumbing. We're committed to being your go-to source for reliable plumbing services in Chantilly VA, and Lorton VA, ensuring your home functions efficiently and your daily life continues uninterrupted. Remember, you can always call us at (703) 677-0878 for prompt and professional service.


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